Professional Tree Removal Lancaster, PA | Douglas Tree Service

Tree Removal Services- Quick and Reliable Solutions

Looking for reliable tree removal in Lancaster, PA? Look no further than Douglas Tree & Property Service. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch tree removal services, ensuring safety and efficiency with every job. 

Results? Achieve a Safer Property, and Enhanced Curb Appeal with Our Professional Tree Removal Services.

  • Certified and Experienced Arborists
  • State-Of-The-Art Equipment
  • Free Estimates
  • Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Rooted in Excellence: Transformative Tree Removal Services in Lancaster, Pa.

If you have a tree on your property that you want removed for safety or just to allow more light to your garden contact us today for professional tree removal services.

From expert assessments and safe removals to environmental consciousness and ongoing maintenance, our services offer comprehensive solutions that go beyond the capabilities of a DIY approach. 

Dangerous Trees? We're Here to Help: Safe and Efficient Removal

At Douglas Tree Service, we offer a variety of comprehensive tree removal services in Lancaster, PA to meet your specific needs that adhere to the highest industry standards by following ANSI A300 Tree Care Standards in all our work. 

These guidelines ensure that our pruning, trimming, and tree removal practices promote tree health, safety, and structural integrity. Whether we’re diagnosing tree issues or performing routine maintenance, you can trust that we prioritize professional, science-backed methods to care for your trees and protect your property.

Our Services

  1. Quick Tree Removal: We provide prompt and efficient tree removal services to minimize disruption to your property.

  • Safely remove trees of all sizes to open up outdoor spaces or prepare for new landscaping.
  • No tree is too big or small—we climb them all!
  • Complete Removal
  • Partial Removal
  • Emergency Removal
  • Hazardous Removal

Process: Safely dismantling the tree using specialized equipment to minimize risks to property and people.

 2. Stump Grinding & Removal:

Say goodbye to unsightly stumps. Professional stump removal ensures a clean, seamless look.

Douglas Tree Service Lancaster
Trust our experts- 20 years with extensive in-field experience. We seen it all.

Our Process:

Are experienced tree removal professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to safely dismantle trees, minimizing risks to property and people. We follow a systematic process that includes:

  1. Assessment: We will carefully assess the tree and its surrounding environment to determine the best method for removal.
  2. Preparation: We will prepare the work area by clearing away any obstacles and protecting nearby structures.
  3. Removal: We will use specialized equipment, such as cranes and chainsaws, to safely remove the tree.
  4. Cleanup: We will clean up the site and dispose of any debris in a responsible manner.

My experienced team also provides expert tree trimmingregular tree maintenance, and tree risk assessment to ensure the health and safety of your trees. With a commitment to excellence, we deliver top-quality services tailored to your specific needs.

Ensuring the safety and appearance of your property can be a major concern without professional services.

Unremoved trees can cause several significant issues, such as:

  • Dead or diseased trees that can fall unexpectedly, causing damage to your property or injury to people.
  • Trees with extensive root systems that can damage foundations, sidewalks, and underground utilities.
  • Obstructed views and diminished curb appeal due to the presence of unwanted trees.

Douglas Tree Service specializes in safe and efficient tree removal in Lancaster, Pa to eliminate hazards and enhance your property's beauty.

Long-Term Solutions:

  • Tree removal: If the tree is beyond repair, professional removal is necessary.
  • Pruning and thinning: Reducing the tree’s size and weight can make it less hazardous.
  • Structural support: In some cases, cables or braces can be used to stabilize the tree.
  • Tree health care: Regular inspections, fertilization, and pest control can help prevent future problems.


  • Increased Safety: Our experienced team removes hazardous trees, reducing the risk of accidents and property damage.
  • Improved Property Value: Removing unwanted or unsightly trees can significantly boost your property’s curb appeal and overall value.
  • Preventative Care: Removing trees with invasive root systems prevents potential damage to your property’s infrastructure.
  • Aesthetic Enhancement: Clearing out dead or unwanted trees opens up space for new landscaping opportunities, improving the overall look of your outdoor space.

Regular Tree Health & Safety Assessments are key to ensuring that your trees are safe and healthy.

Our Tree Health & Safety Assessments provide you peace of mind by identifying potential hazards, preserving property value, promoting environmental stewardship, and nurturing long-term relationships with our tree care experts.

By understanding and regularly assessing the health of your trees, you can make informed decisions about their care and maintenance.

The importance of a tree risk assessment

The importance of a tree risk assessment cannot be stressed enough because it is an essential step in ensuring everyone’s safety on your property. Even if no one is hurt by a hazardous tree, the costs associated with repairing damage caused by falling branches or uprooted trees can be significant.

When it comes to assessing trees for potential hazards, timing is everything. It’s always better to proactively identify potential issues before they become major problems.

Whether you have a tree leaning too close to your house, one that has outgrown its space, or one showing visible signs of damage, reach out to Douglas Tree & Property Service today for expert tree care in Lancaster Pa!

Real Life Experience: Signs You May Need to Remove a Tree Expert Arborist Advice

Trees are amazing, aren’t they? They add beauty, shade, and value to our properties. But just like any living thing, they have their good days—and their bad ones. When trees start feeling stressed or unhealthy, they give us clues. As a homeowner, catching these signs early can save you a lot of trouble (and money!). But let’s face it—trees don’t always make it easy to figure out what’s going on. That’s where we come in.

At Douglas Tree Service, we’ve spent over 20 years caring for trees. Our certified arborist, Robert Douglas, can spot what’s really going on with your tree, and if it’s time to say goodbye, we’ll help you do it safely. We’ve encountered countless situations where these signs were in play. Here’s a real-life experience that showcases the warning signs from a maple tree removal we handled in Lancaster County.

The Call:
A client in Lancaster, PA, called us after noticing some unusual changes in a large maple tree that had been a feature in their front yard for decades. They mentioned dead branches, a strange lean, and some mushrooms growing at the base. After a storm, things got worse—cracks appeared in the trunk, and they were concerned about the safety of their home.

1. Signs of Damage or Decay

Upon arrival, the first thing we noticed were vertical cracks running down the trunk—a clear sign of structural damage. The client said they hadn’t noticed it before, but after the storm, the cracks widened. Our assessment revealed that the cracks were deep, indicating decay inside the tree. The damaged trunk posed a risk since the tree was only about 20 feet away from their home and a nearby power line.

Outcome: Decay had already compromised the tree’s structure, making it a danger during future storms.

We’ve all seen trees with big scars or cracks running down their trunks. Sure, they might look fine on the outside, but beneath the surface, things could be much worse. If your tree is damaged or decaying, it’s like a ticking time bomb—especially if it’s near your home or power lines.

So, what should you be looking for?

  • Vertical cracks in the trunk
  • Peeling or loose bark
  • Dead branch stubs
  • Wounds or open cavities
  • Major damage to the trunk
  • Lightning strike scars

Pro Tip: After a big storm, don’t just assume everything is fine because the tree is still standing. Call a pro. Even if you don’t see anything obvious, there could be hidden damage that only someone like Robert can spot.

2. Is the Tree Hollow?

Using the “sounding” method, we tapped the tree with a rubber mallet. Sure enough, we discovered a hollow section near the base—confirming the client’s worst fear. This decay likely spread from inside out, significantly weakening the tree. It explained why the branches had been dropping more frequently over the past few years.

3. Dead Branches

Several branches were already dead, which the homeowner pointed out. During the summer, no leaves or buds appeared on those branches. We did a quick “snap test,” and sure enough, they were brittle and dry. The growing number of dead branches was a big red flag that the tree was in distress. If left unaddressed, these dead branches could have easily come crashing down in the next storm.

How can you tell if a branch is dead?

  • The bark is peeling or falling off.
  • The branch snaps with barely a bend.
  • No leaves or buds show up, even in the growing season.
  • Scraping the bark reveals brown instead of that healthy green layer.

Heads up: Dead branches that rub against each other can cause wounds, which opens the door for disease. Keep an eye on that!

4. Is the Tree Battling a Fungal Disease?

At the base of the tree, mushrooms were growing—classic signs of a fungal infection. Fungal diseases can often lead to internal decay, which explained the hollow trunk and dead branches. The tree had developed cankers (sunken spots) on the trunk, another sign of infection. If left untreated, the disease could have spread to nearby healthy trees.

Fungi and trees? Not a good mix. Mushrooms around the base of your tree or cankers in the wood are screaming signs that your tree is under attack. If you ignore it, you’re asking for it to spread—not just to that tree but possibly to others around it.

Look for:

  • Mushrooms growing at the tree’s base
  • Wilting or discolored leaves
  • Depressions or open wounds in the wood
  • Scabs on fruit or thinning canopies

If you spot any of these signs, don’t wait. The longer you leave it, the worse the problem gets—and fast. For more information check out  Penn State Extension on Plant Disease Identification and Control.

5. Is the Tree Dead or Dying?

The tree wasn’t completely dead, but it was dying. We performed a scratch test on the bark, and while some parts still showed green under the bark, large sections revealed brown, dried cambium—a sign that the tree was no longer thriving.

A dead or dying tree poses a significant safety risk. If your tree is no longer alive, your only option is removal. If it’s diseased but still alive, there may be ways to save it with aggressive treatment.

Here are tell-tale signs of a dead or dying tree:

  • No leaves or buds during the growing season
  • Significant lean in the trunk
  • The branches are brittle and dead
  • Evergreen trees have thinning canopies or browning needles

Quick Test: Scratch the bark of the tree. If the cambium layer underneath is green, the tree is alive. If it’s brown and dry, the tree is either dead or dying.

6. The Tree Has a Significant Lean

The tree had developed a slight lean to one side. After the storm, the client noticed that the lean had worsened, and the roots near the base were beginning to pull up from the ground. This was a major concern since it indicated root damage, which made the tree more likely to fall.

7. Insect Damage is Visible

While inspecting the base, we found exit holes from insects, possibly emerald ash borers or carpenter ants. The client hadn’t noticed, but the insects had likely taken advantage of the tree’s weakened state. These pests were contributing to its decline, tunneling through the wood and further damaging the tree’s structure.

Small bugs can cause big problems for trees. Insects like the emerald ash borer or carpenter ants can devastate even large, healthy trees. Here’s what to look for:

  • Round or D-shaped exit holes
  • S-shaped or zigzagged tunnels in the wood
  • Visible larvae or eggs
  • Leaf defoliation or stunted growth
  • Large silken tents on branches

If you see any of these signs, an insect infestation may be the cause. Some insects attack already weakened trees, meaning the tree may need removal to prevent further damage.

8. The Tree is an Invasive Species

Invasive tree species can harm your landscape by suppressing native trees, reducing biodiversity, and disrupting ecosystems. Common invasive trees include:

  • Chinese Tallow
  • Bradford Pear Trees
  • Mimosa Trees
  • Tree of Heaven

If you have any of these invasive species in your yard, consider removal to protect the health of your local ecosystem.

9. Root Rot is Present

During the inspection, we noticed that the tree’s roots were suffering from root rot. This explained why the tree wasn’t anchoring itself properly in the soil and why it had started leaning. Unfortunately, once root rot has set in, the tree’s chances of survival diminish, especially if it’s gone unnoticed for a long time.

A tree with root rot may be salvageable, but it’s often difficult to detect without professional help. Common symptoms include:

  • Poor growth and weak branches
  • Wilted or discolored leaves
  • Thinning canopy
  • Fungi growing at the base

Because root rot can be tricky to identify, contact our arborist to determine the severity and discuss your options.

10. Multiple Trunks with a ‘Y’ or ‘V’ Crotch

This tree also had a ‘Y’ crotch, which is a common weak spot. Two large branches split off from the main trunk, creating a vulnerable point. We could see where the bark had been rubbing and starting to split—another disaster waiting to happen in the next big storm.

Ever notice a tree that splits into multiple trunks? That ‘Y’ or ‘V’ shape might look cool, but it’s a weak spot. When strong winds hit, those trunks can split, leaving a mess behind. If you’ve got a tree like this, trimming back the branches could save it from splitting, but sometimes, removal is the safest option.

The Solution:

After our thorough assessment, we had to recommend tree removal for safety reasons. The combination of decay, fungal disease, dead branches, insect damage, root rot, and the increasing lean made it too risky to keep the tree. The client was initially heartbroken, as this tree had been a part of their property for so long. But when we explained the danger it posed to their home and family, they agreed it was time to take it down.

Our team safely removed the tree, preventing future damage to the property and ensuring the client’s peace of mind.

The Takeaway:

Trees are resilient, but they can also be unpredictable. Just like this client’s tree, small issues like dead branches or mushrooms at the base can quickly escalate into bigger problems. It’s always better to address these signs early before they turn into dangerous situations.

If you’re seeing any of these warning signs on your trees, don’t wait. Call us at Douglas Tree Service, and we’ll give you an honest, expert assessment. Safety is our priority, and with over 20 years of experience, we’ll make sure your trees—and your property—are in good hands.

What Should You Do if Your Tree Shows These Signs?

If your tree displays any of these symptoms, it’s time to call in a professional. At Douglas Tree Service, our certified arborist will conduct a thorough evaluation, diagnose the issue, and recommend the best course of action, whether it’s treatment or removal.

It’s essential to remember that trees, like all living things, aren’t always predictable. Some signs of stress—such as slowed growth during a drought—may resolve with time and care. However, serious issues like decay, disease, or storm damage require immediate attention to ensure the safety of your property.

The Risks of Leaving a Diseased Tree Standing

A diseased tree can invite pests like termites and carpenter ants, leading to structural damage.  Moreover, the disease can spread to nearby healthy trees. To protect your environment and well-being, remove the diseased tree promptly to prevent pest infestations, and further infection.

Pro Tip: 90% of all Maple & Cherry trees we remove are do to carpenter ants! Have your trees treated for carpenter ants. Boric acid works great, and its something simple the homeowner can do. It cost about $10 at Lowes. But it beats paying me $600 to remove your tree.

Is it time to remove your tree?

Sometimes, a tree is beyond saving due to severe weather, disease, or infestation. If it poses a danger to people or structures, removal is necessary. Tree risks aren’t always visible, so consult our certified arborist to assess the situation. DIY removal can be risky, especially with unhealthy trees. For expert evaluation and safe removal, trust Douglas Tree Service in Lancaster, PA. Prioritize safety—call a professional.

Fill out and submit the form for a free estimate from our certified arborists.

We will come to your property, evaluate & recommend the tree work requested. There is no cost or obligation to you!

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Contact Us Today

Ready to reclaim your yard from unruly trees? If you need a tree removal in Lancaster, Pa. contact us today for a safe, efficient, and stress-free solution. With over 20 years of experience, our certified arborist can help protect your landscape and home from potential tree hazards. Don’t wait—give your landscape the care it deserves!

Are you in need of tree removal services in Lancaster, PA? Look no further than our team of professional tree removal experts. We offer affordable and reliable tree removal solutions to meet your needs, whether it’s a routine removal or an emergency situation. From tree felling to stump grinding, we have the expertise and equipment to handle any job. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and receive a free estimate.